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2013-05-03 12035TMC (2).JPG




Repair and Replace Air Compressor

Quick Facts
Fort Sill, Oklahoma

Tinker Air Force Base

Air Force Contracting

HGL Construction served as the prime contractor on this design-build task order to repair and replace the air compressor and dryer in Building 9301 of Tinker Air Force Base, OK. The scope of work consisted of civil, structural, mechanical, and electrical trades, as well as general labor. Structural work included prepping and cleaning the concrete pad, setting the formwork, and finishing the concrete pad to accept the new air compressor. Mechanical work required the installation of one 700 HP air-compressor with a 3000ACFM capacity and a 125 psi discharge pressure, with hourly start-up capability of two cold starts and one hot start per hour; one heat of compression dryer with 4-inch cooling water supply, return taps, and piping/valves; a new valved connection with bypass between the new HOC Dryer output and the existing HOC Dryer output; and a fully automated DDC control system for the air compressor and dryer system. After installation and start-up/testing, HGL trained the TSS personnel in the proper operation and maintenance of the air compressor and dryer, including all controls, set points, gauges, oil levels, and limit switches. Electrical work included the installation of a new standalone motor starter and switch in the 700 HP Air Compressor motor.


  • Installation of all new equipment before demolishing the existing equipment to avoid disrupting mechanical and electrical services

  • Diligent planning, layout, and demolition to avoid damaging the existing mechanical and electrical equipment

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